6 Fun Ways To Increase Your Fiber Intake

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If there is one nutrient which you don’t wish to remove from your diet it’s definitely fiber. Not only is it beneficial in regards to weight loss and skin health. This essential component reduces your risk of having a stroke, reduces your cholesterol levels and reduces insulin dependence in type 1 diabetic people.But according, toDrCarnery “”Less than 3% of Americans get even the recommended minimum adequate intake of fiber.”

If you think it’s about time you incorporate more fiber within,  your diet, then here are 6 easy ways to do so!

  1. Embrace your nutty side.

That is, ahem, eat more nuts! Whether it’s pistachio’s, almonds, or walnuts these portable, and convenient goodies don’t only provide you with fiber they also be brainpower boosers, rich in vitamin E and calcium. Don’t fancy eating them plainly? Check out these cool recipes from Cheatsheet

2. Berries are your berry best friends.

In fact, there are 8 grams of fiber per cup of blueberries. These delicious little goods are the perfect healthy little (fiber-rich) tool for a lazy summer’s day.

3. Have A Legume Load Up

I don’t know about you, but legumes are one of my favorite components of a dish. Which might just be as well as it’s recommended that about half your plate should be legumes whether that’s chickpeas, beans or lentils. Known as a delicious alternative to meat for those who wish to be vegetarian here are recipes from food and wine.

4. Go bananas over fiber

This may sound bananas but I find them so appealing (pardon the totally unintentional pun 😉 ).  Actually, I should have placed them with the berries section because they are one. But you know, bananas…

5. Choose whole wheat

When choosing which carbohydrates to add to your plate, aim to swap for wholegrain over refined as a good part of fiber as well as its nutrients are lost during the process of refinement.

6. Go to the cinema

No before you think of something else watching Johnny Depp on the big screen won’t increase your fiber intake. But the popcorn you’re eating might as long as it’s unsalted, air popped popcorn.

Yes popcorn is healthy!

Time for a trip to the movies anyone?


 I had a ton of fun writing this post, finding your own reasons to be healthy and doing research is such a boost! What is your favorite form to consume fiber?

16 thoughts on “6 Fun Ways To Increase Your Fiber Intake

    • Nyse says:

      Me too! I was really excited when I learnt that popcorn was a healthy snack😀.Thank you Deepika for your lovely comment. In fact do you want to hear a joke about popcorn? Or is it too corny? Oops, didn’t mean that, it just popped out of nowhere😁

      Liked by 1 person

    • Nyse says:

      Thank you for the appreciation, I’m glad you found the totally ahem* ahem* unintentional pun amusing 🍌😀And glad you loved the ideas, I can certainly say the same about your latest post😊


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