Blogger Recognition Award 2


An immense thank you to GlitzandGlamzEnticing Tales and ArtisbyBeauty for nominating me for the second Blogger Recognition award (check out my first one here), it’s wonderful to be nominated by three inspiring bloggers who are making a  difference each in their own unique way!

Here are the rules:

Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
Write a post to show your award.
Give a brief story of how your blog started.
Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

How My Blog Began

Once upon a time, in a faraway planet named Earth, a young lass was committing the heinous, debilitating, awful crime of procrastination. This planet named Earth was filled with this monstrous act from human beings from all walks of life, and this young adolescent was simply one more. Yet the Good Fairy Godmother (her mind) didn’t become distressed over this situation but rather reprimanded her for such crude behaviour; months passed and after what felt like years (but was only months) the girl succumbed and decided to go against procrastination by doing a dream which was installed inside of her for long: to make a difference through a blog, her blog.

And now she is here to this very day, tapping ruthlessly away at her keyboard, having rants about society, speaking up about health and diving into anything and everything she’s interested in.

That young lass is me.

Advice to New Bloggers

  1. Always Be Like A New Blogger

What I mean is don’t ever let your desire for likes, comments and views ever override your passion for the subject. Have you ever seen those professionals who seem to be bored out of their wits because they’ve been working so long in a job it’s discouraging just to look at them? Don’t be that person.

2. Try to Find Your Niche

I know this rule may not apply to some bloggers, who don’t have one and are still very successful but for most,generally aim to stick to a few topics. You wouldn’t go to the doctors to acquire help on that particularly challenging calculus problem, nor would you go to a math teacher for a health check up.  Each of them has their role. So must your blog on it’s own unique way.


The Book Raven

Invisibly  Me

Miss Hued

The Purple Almond

Thoughts in Life


Fitness Grad

Bye for now, a big bear hug to you all. Wishing you all a happy Saturday from me to you!

22 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award 2

  1. Mark Smith says:

    I remember when I started my blog, you were just beginning as well. I actually ended up losing my passion for what I was doing. Then I got an email and read this post. I signed back in, hoped over to my site Project Confidence, and starting writing and reigniting my love for my blog. Thank you for that post, and your blog.

    Liked by 2 people

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